About the Event

The seminary theme ​is ”Vital Urban Green Spaces”

Conference center

Paviljonki conference center is a modern, first-rate congress center providing facilities and services for trade fairs, meetings and conferences. 

Viherpäivät is located in the exhibition hall and two different auditoriums, the great auditorium and a smaller one. The great auditorium includes max. 600 seats and the smaller one 293. The auditoriums and lecture halls are equipped with the most up to date audiovisual technical facilities.

Green technology – Exhibition 

With the seminary event there is simultaneously the Green technology -exhibition at the Paviljonki center. Exhibition includes various exhibitors from the green industry. The exhibition is free of charge for the seminary visitors. You have plenty of time to explore the exhibition beside lectures. 


From the exhibition hall you can find Viherympäristö-Areena -stage where will be held some short reports and presentations about the green industry. The arena is open during the event (the program will be announced closer to the event). The Viherymparistö-Areena reports are free of charge for exhibition quests and exhibitors. 


Seminary registration includes all the seminary lectures, exhibition, coffee and lunch service at the Paviljonki center. The dinner tickets with a welcoming drink on Wednesday evening are sold separately.  Lunch is served next to the exhibition hall in the Paviljonki center. 

Dinner and the social evening

Dinner is one of the main parts of the Viherpäivät -event. In 2024, there were 600 dinner quests participating. The evening event includes dinner (meat/vegetarian), drinks and friends from the green industry. After the dinner the event turns into social evening: bar opens, and dance begins. There is also a possibility to socialize in a quiet Jazz lounge right next to the evening center. 

The dress code to the event is semiformal.